Autocare with Damilare: Things You Should Not Do With Automatic Transmission Vehicle:

Autocare with Damilare

Things You Should Not Do With Automatic Transmission Vehicle:

A car that automatically adjusts the gears according to its speed and that does not have a clutch pedal is called an automatic transmission car. Such cars have their own set of advantages over manual cars, for example – differently-abled people may drive the car as less manual work is required while driving an automatic car. Here is a list of things you should never do in an automatic transmission vehicle:

Never Use Two Feet When Driving An Automatic Car

Using both feet to drive an automatic car can lead to a crash if you happen to press both pedals simultaneously. It can also stress out the transmission fluid, torque converter, and brake fluid of the car. If you wish to drive an automatic car with both feet, you should buy a car that automatically engages the braking system when both pedals are pressed at the same time.

Never Switch To ‘Park’ Before An Automatic Car Stops Completely

Some new cars may not even allow the driver to shift to the park mode before the car stops moving. However, it might be possible that you hurriedly switch to park. This can harm the transmission of your car. The parking gear is not meant to work instead of brakes, it is meant to hold the car still while it is parked. The wheels won’t move when you switch to park. Thus, never switch to ‘Park’ before an automatic car stops completely.

Never Drive An Automatic Car Downhill While On Neutral

Switching to neutral stops the flow of fuel to the engine, this reduces your control on the car as you cannot use the engine’s gears for slowing down. You can only rely on the main breaks in this situation putting more strain on them. Reduced control over the car can prove to be dangerous especially in a situation where you quickly need to react while going down a slope.

Never Rest Your Hand On The Gear Stick

Two things can happen when you have the habit of resting your hand on the gear stick – early wear & tear and endangered safety. When your hand is rested upon the gear stick, it puts pressure on the shifter rail. The shifter rail then pushes the synchronizers. They touch the gears and friction is created. This friction can cause premature damage to the teeth of the gear.

Never Forget To Shift To The Parking Brake

The parking brake of your car helps it remain steady while in a parking space. If the parking brake is not applied, the transmission of the car is not locked and there are high chances that the car may roll away. This can be a big safety concern for everyone around the car. It is one of the most important things you should never do in an automatic car.

Never Drive Without Warming The Engine

It is advised that a car should be warmed at least for 30 seconds before driving, especially in a cold climate. This is because fuel will not work to its full efficiency until it is in a good liquid state. In winter, give your car a little time to “wake up” before you put her in action.

Never Drive Frequently With Less Fuel In The Tank

Contaminants or foreign particles can settle at the bottom of a fuel tank of your car over a period of time. When you drive on low fuel, these contaminants can enter the engine. This is harmful to your car in the long run.

Post by: Oriyomi Oluwadamilare Dolapo
Facebook: Oriyomi Oluwadamilare Dolapo
Instagram: oo_oluwadamilare
Twitter: oo_damilare



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