Finding You 4

Ben had collected my number that day. It had taken a while. Me trying to play hard to this guy that made me feel excited all over. And him? Whatever he was thinking that day, I have no idea. He had texted me a simple message “hi”. I had stared at it for a while thinking of a proper response. I replied with “hello” after three hours. Then I had laid on my bed thinking what his next message was going to be, he hadn’t texted that day and the next day when he had, I had rushed towards my phone like it was Santa with my Christmas gift. It had been him asking how I was and how my Saturday was going to look like.

Ben and I had started hanging out after a while. Thinking about it, I don't we made plans to. It just happened. For a while it was just as friends.

 Honestly, I had been confused. I had thought he was interested in me romantically, and there he was treating me like a sibling. But then it had changed with the “do you have a boyfriend” question.

I was excited about the change of status. I mean that’s what I wanted right? I was doing well in my classes, I had a good relationship with my friends and roommate and I had a boyfriend. What more could I ask for?
But then I wasn’t really feeling it. Ben was a nice guy. I had been in a few relationships but none had been like Ben.
It's been two weeks since Ben's friend Tony had visited the house. Sarah's husband had been the one who had invited him I later learnt. Mother has been on my neck since then. Every conversation we have heard had either started or ended with Tony. I don't know what to say to her. Should I say, "Hey, mom. You see this gentleman you want me to like? He was best friends with the guy who shattered my heart to pieces" I really want to predict the expression on her face but I guess she would probably say "So? " and raise her left eyebrow.

After Tony had sat, I had felt numb. The little talk I had made had been forced and I had this fake smile plastered on my face throughout and when he had finally left,  my sister had bombarded me with questions on what I thought of the nice guy who just visited. At first I became angry, Sarah had been in school with me that year, how come she couldn't recall that the guy her husband wants me to be involved with was Ben's friend. Then I  realized that our relationship hadn't been that public to everyone. It had just been us, in our own little world.

I don't know if the rest of the family had noticed but there had been a little elephant in the room. I realized Tony hadn't been aware that Sam is my brother in-law. It's something to laugh about if you watching from the outside but there I was sitting with the best friend of my college sweetheart.

I walk into the restaurant my friend Grace is celebrating her birthday and Beyonce's "Brown skin girl" welcomes me like a lost daughter. Grace had planned this for months. "Being thirty is something to be grateful for" she had said. Grace had been one of those people I had remained friends with after college and when she had invited me to her party, I hadn't wanted to disappoint her even though I had lots of doubts.

Grace had been one of the social people I knew that year and she remained so after college. She is married. For three years she had a very hard time getting pregnant and finally when she did some months back, she knew she had to do a celebration and thank God for his mercies. Her words not mine. She chose to do this on her birthday.
In here are familiar faces, lots of them are people I knew in college. It seems Grace kept in touch with everyone.

 "Jane" I hear my name and look towards the direction it's been called. It's Grace. She looks so beautiful. Pregnancy sure looks good on her. I smile and embrace her.
"It's really good to see you " I say. I'm honest. Grace has a way of lighting you up.
"Guess who's here" she says with a wide smile.

I don't want to know.

* be continued*

Post by: Abdul Abubakar
Facebook : Habdul Archer
Instagram : @archer015
Twitter :@archer_015


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