Hi there! Welcome to the Opened My Eyes section of TTB. It's been a while and I'm glad to share with you today what I think is the biggest scam or one of the biggest scams today : Premarital Sex

Ladies and gentlemen, do not be deceived. Men may change but God and His standards will NEVER change. Sex was designed by God and is a great thing within the CONTAINER i.e MARRIAGE. Otherwise, IT DESTROYS YOU. You must know that it is powerful beyond your imagination, joining its participants on levels they may be oblivious to (scary right???? NOT IF YOU ARE MARRIED).

There's so much to say and there are so many audiences to address but I must narrow the message in scope so as to get somewhere today.My message today is twofold

First, I want to talk to you my brother/sister who has already fallen (especially if you knew and know that it is wrong) and may have given up hope of restoration. Don't fret, your sin is not strong enough to nullify the validity of Christ's sacrifice. We fall down but we get up for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up. There is restoration in the blood of Jesus. You are not worthless. You are not pointless. The call of God on your life is still valid so don't stay down!!! GET UP!!!!

Second, I want to address the society in general. You reading this, your body is NOT YOURS if you confessed Jesus as Lord. It was the best decision you made and one of the consequences is that YOUR BODY IS NOW A TEMPLE. It belongs to the HOLY GHOST!!!!! Do not desecrate it.

In recent time, I have heard people lash out at the social construct which glorifies or pardons men who are promiscuous excusing their behaviour as natural and shaming women for doing the same things men do.

To my brothers who feel like great men for sleeping with many girls before and after marriage, I have one word to describe the version of the "truth" you believe : SCAM!!!!!!!! You lose just as much from premarital or extramarital sex as the lady does. The difference is you have been set up to think otherwise. I set you free from that mindset in Jesus' name!.

To my sisters who feel like exercising their "freedom" and right to "enjoy life", I say what society meant for evil, really God has used to protect you. Do not be foolish, do not be deceived. The only time sex is blessed by God is in the context of marriage. Every other context is satanic and out of His will so I urge you, I plead with you, I beg you. Do not make our God uncomfortable in you. Let Him find rest in your vessel.

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,
1 Corinthians 6:19 NLT

Dear God I pray for every man, woman, boy or girl that reads this. I pray that You touch them and give them a deeper revelation of who they are in You and the beauty of sex in the right context. Help us Lord for we are weak. Help us to abstain from premarital sex of any kind and flee youthful lusts. Help us even in our marriages to be faithful to our spouses and to You o God that the enemy may not use against us something that you have created to bring us good pleasure in Jesus' name

Have a great week!


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