Hey TTB followers and welcome to Vocabulary Building with ME(Stephanie).

Here we explore words from weird,  to archaic, to long and short, simple and complex, to even slang words. 

This week and for the next few weeks, we'll be delving into new words or new additions to the dictionary.

Throw shade: express contempt or disrespect for someone publicly, especially by subtle or indirect insults or criticisms.
Example sentence
There was an awkward situation when the singer seemingly threw shade at pop legend Britney Spears.

Totes: totally, in informal form
Example sentence
It's summer so it's light all the time plus the scenery is totes amazing.

Toxic debt: debt that has a high risk of default
Example sentence
The most common way to rack up toxic debt is with a credit card.

Train wreck: big disaster or mess, a disastrous calamity or source of trouble.
Example sentence
You can get Ben's story everywhere, his train wreck of a private life guaranteed front-page treatment.

Trapo: a politician perceived as belonging to a conventional and corrupt ruling class.
Example sentence
The Congress received a negative approval rating in the latest survey because the people perceive its members as trapos, who care less for the country.

Truther: One who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy.
Example sentence
she denied evolution, doubted new science discovers, and was a 9/11 truther.

Truthiness: the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true.
Example sentence
If I have my news, and you have yours, and both of us rely on truthiness , the uncontestable truth of our beliefs, regardless of facts.

Twerk: sexually suggestive dancing characterized by rapid, repeated hip thrusts.
Example sentence
Just wait till they catch the girls twerking to this.

Upcycle: reuse something to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.
Example sentence
Upcycling isn't just about transforming old materials into useable objects, it may create new values.

Usie: a group selfie, where someone takes a picture of themselves with other people in the shot.
Example sentence
So, you could say that in school Jill loves taking
usies with her classmates.

Vape: inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.
Example sentence
For the sake of my health I decided to give up smoking and try vaping.

Voluntourism: a form of tourism in which travelers participate in voluntary work, typically for a charity.
Example sentence
I really want to explore South America, so I thought I'd try voluntourism.

Weaksauce: extremely bad or disappointing.
Example sentence
His latest movie is total weak sauce.

Webisode: an online video that presents an original short film or promotes a product, movie, or television series.
Example sentence
I'm going to watch the new webisode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

Whatevs: whatever, informal form.
Example sentence
I'm sure someone will disagree with my summary, but whatevs.

Whovian: a fan of the British science-fiction television series Doctor Who.
Example sentence
The girl just pretends to be a Whovian because she knew little about Doctor Who.

Woo-woo: dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific.
Example sentence
In fact any belief not founded on good evidence, the poorer the evidence the more woo-woo the belief.

Word salad: a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases.
Example sentence
No one can get the real idea from his word salad .

Youthquake: a significant cultural, political, or social change arising from the actions or influence of young people
Example sentences
After Trump goes to the Whitehouse we have to admit the youthquake of last decades wasn't strong as it once seemed.

Yowza: used to express surprise or amazement.
Example sentence
Yowza, look at her!

Just come around next week and learn some more.

Post by: Osaruyi Stephanie Aiseosa
Facebook: Stephanie Aiseosa Osaruyi
Instagram: stephanieonette_
Twitter: Osaruyi Stephanie Aiseosa


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