When is your car due for a major service?

Hi TTB followers, welcome to Autocare

We'll discuss on how to know when your car is due for service,
Automobiles(cars) are aimed at transporting both goods and passenger, they need to be taken good care of just like you'll do to yourself or family

Listed are signs your car is due for major service:
The norm for car maintenance is to get your oil changed every 5000km/3months and major service and inspection every 40,000km/2 years

1. Mileage/odometer: the safest way to know your car is due for servicing is by looking at your odometer, found on your car dashboard under the speedometer. The odometer keeps track of your vehicle’s total travelled distance.

2. Braking problem: signs to notice; reduced responsiveness, pulling to one side when braking, grinding or growling, vibration.

3. Difficult to start: it varies from bad spark plug to defective starter motor, either way get a professional for proper check/service, so as not get stranded with a car dt can't start.

4. Increased emission(smoke): it's an indication that something is wrong with the engine combustion system. Inform professional, that could save you some grief by avoiding an untimely breakdown and even bigger repair bill.

5. Leaks
It isn’t all just engine oil and petrol — your car needs a variety of other fluids for the proper functioning of various components, and the loss of any of these could be catastrophic. The only fluid that should be leaking out of your car is clear water that is condensation from your air conditioner. Your mechanic should notified if any oil leakage is observed.

6. Noises coming from your car
Any kind of unusual noise coming from your vehicle should be investigated, as it could indicate a serious problem. Here are some of the more common noises you might hear and what could be causing them:
Whining from the engine area. Usually caused by a loose or worn out belt. Depending on which belt is the culprit, this could cause problems with your cooling or power systems.
Stuttering or banging noise from engine. This could be from a misfire, which can cause serious damage to your engine.
Crunching gears. The gearbox endures a lot of heat and wear. A lack of gear oil or worn parts might result in a crunching noise accompanied by jerking when you change gear.
Knocking when turning corners. This could indicate a serious issue like worn or broken suspension struts, ball joints, or bearings. It might also be caused by loose lug nuts on your wheels, or bad tyres.

7. Unusual vibrations/shaking
Any kind of change in your car’s ride quality should be checked out immediately. If you feel any unusual shaking or vibration that isn’t caused by uneven road surface, you should pull over and conduct a visual inspection of your car as soon as it is safe to do so.
You might be dragging some debris caught in your wheel well, or it could be a loose piece of plastic panelling. It might also be a loose bearing or failing universal joint, which will need to be assessed by a professional and repaired as soon as possible.

High frequency constant vibration at mid and high rpms (revolution per minutes)
Driveability issues like bad throttle response at low rpms
Car pulling to one side
Vibration on steering at 80-100kmph which go away on further increasing speed
Rough idle

Other problems
•Degraded oil
•Dirty oil filter
•Clogged air filter
•Wheeled out of alignment and balance
•Dirty throttle body and injectors

Post by: Oriyomi Oluwadamilare Dolapo
Facebook: Oriyomi Oluwadamilare Dolapo
Instagram: oo_oluwadamilare
Twitter: oo_damilare


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