“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”. Eph 6:12, NKJV

Jane’s waiting. I know, Arnold said out loud, as he put on his shirt, and wondered why his mind wouldn’t stop nagging him. Jane. He thought about the first chance meeting all those months ago.

He had had a bad day at work, and thought a walk in the park would help clear his head. Of all the wonderful creatures that lived in the park, Arnold thought the young lady standing in front of him, asking for direction back to the college, was the most beautiful. But he couldn’t bring himself to say so. Not that he didn’t want to. But help was all she asked for. And that was all he offered. For the time being though.

They had discussed various subjects while he walked her across the school campus to her dorm. For a freshman, he figured she was quite intelligent. She knew a little of the College’s history. But having graduated from there himself, he filled her in on the details she missed. She impressed him with her witty remarks and good sense of humor. And that face, what a beauty,

He swallowed every possible compliment he could have given her. Over compliment a lady, and she’d think you are only interested in one thing, he thought. Especially when she looks as pretty as Jane did. He made a mental note to tell her one day. Some day.

Seventeen months later, he wasn’t sure he had said it as often as he should. Heck, he couldn’t even remember if he ever said it. If he did, he wasn’t sure he believed them. His words had lost all life, all heart. And it was starting to make the poor girl weary. He tried to make up for it by getting her things, but even those had lost their charm. She was getting fed up, and he didn’t know what to do.

He’d asked her to go to lunch with him this afternoon, perhaps he could salvage this whole mess. He had chosen a different restaurant, yet again. He could only hope she found it. A restaurant was a restaurant, and food was food, but Arnold hated to go to the same place more than once. This was the, what, hundredth restaurant they were going to? He wasn’t sure. Keeping records was Jane’s department. Jane’s department. He wondered what his own department was.

Worldly wisdom, vanity and pride.

Arnold wasn’t sure if someone had said that or he heard it in his mind. He didn’t consider himself proud, he just had a higher sense of self-worth. And in these trying times, he figured it was really important to be worldly wise. As for vanity, what was wrong with appreciating the finer things in life?.

With that, Arnold picked up his keys, headed for his car and drove away, irritated.


Pride looked up at Vanity

“To think that four years ago, he was a tough nut to crack” Vanity shrugged

“As they say, giants do fall” Worldly Wisdom said with a big grin on his face. “Beelzebub will be proud of the work we have done”

“Oh, it’s not over yet” Vanity said. “The lady is in the restaurant. And without a care in the world, she’s saying a prayer”

“For who”? Pride asked, wide eyed.

“Our captive”.


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