A TRIP WITH JAMES INAS:"President Buhari is the cause of my unemployment!!!"

"President Buhari is the cause of my unemployment!!!"

My last post "Tiny boobs are OK too" extracted from 'themaralife' got so many reactions(positive) during the week. A cursory glance at the caption invokes laughter or let's say ridicule, but the content is a pure epistle on how to deal with and build a healthy self-esteem. If you missed it I guess you should check it out, like,comment and share!!!

Still on the "dilemma of a graduate".
Trust me,it is no more a hidden fact that more than 50% (percent) of graduates still blame the government for there unemployment. While it is partially supposed that government should at least create a favourable employment environment for its graduate citizens, I still believe in the words of the former president of the United State of America, John F. Kennedy... " it is not what your country will do for you but what you will do for your country...". Instead of sitting and passing blames to society,people,and situations as to how they are responsible for your circumstance, join the train of entrepreneurial revolution of this age. I might really not know much about the 'blame-game' but I know one thing it does to an individual, it strips you of all responsibility, invariably it makes you irresponsible, leaving you never attempting to solving any of your problems. Because since you think you're not the cause of your problem you would not find any reason to want to seek solution. But try to point your index finger at someone and see who the other three fingers below are pointing to.
As a fresh graduate, waiting for NYSC mobilisation. I have being engaged in self development, mostly reading, but I needed money too lols.
So on one of my scouting for engagements,the other day I had an opportunity of a cross table chat with Mr. Ojiogu Sullivan, the CEO of Laptopstore.ng (a.k.a Sullysys info-tech),
I really admire his passion and drive to build a brand and for me this is really enviable. We got talking and of all the conversation, one thing he said struck me. First he asked where I wanted to serve as a corp member and I told him, then he said " I know NYSC is a very exciting period but if you don't have plans, the reality of life will be dawn on you after one year as you no more receive allowy alerts", (rephrased). Of course I have being thinking of life after NYSC but from him it was like a revelation...(smiles).

I also discovered that not really that there are no jobs, but the kind of mouth watering jobs we feel we are entitled to as certified graduate are scarcely available. In view of this, it will be safe if we really quit playing this vicious blame-game and find our feat.

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  1. As bitter as the truth sounds we have to tell it. This is the truth. Waiting on the government is really not it cuz I think they have very little to offer. The best Peron who can help you is you.


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