Life With Ree!!!!!!

Hello guys!! Is it too late to wish you a happy new year? Happy new year anyway, beautiful readers of TTB, I hope this new year brings us lots and lots of laughter, genuine laughter and love .
I’m so excited to be back here and promise not to run away anymore, I just had a really busy end of 2018, so much was happening at once and I didn’t have time to think, let alone write a post for TTB but trust me I really missed you all!!
Today, I’m just going to be talking about 2019, plans, goals and all the New Year push that you need! Lol please don’t roll your eyes , I’m sure we must have heard over a million and one quotes, motivational talks and even had your pastor preach about pushing for the new year and of course the most popular one “2019 is a new page blah blah”, it’s everywhere there’s no way you can even miss it, everywhere you turn to somebody is trying to motivate you for the year, somebody is saying and claiming that 2019 is their year, somebody is making new year resolutions, writing down plans for the year, which is actually a good thing, I’m not against positively speaking or anything especially if you are not just positively speaking but also acting. It’s not enough to speak things into existence without actually acting them out, so with every positive vibe you’re giving yourself remember that you have to act! It’s not enough to dream, you have to wake up and put that dream to action. I feel like Nelson Mandela or Fela Durotoye right now.
Well you all know, I’m all about happiness, as the Minister for happiness that I am, I would like to remind you and let you know (in case you didn’t know) that 2019, Your happiness before any dream, plan, goal or any new year resolution that you are setting for yourself, it is very important that you set goals for yourself, it’s also important that you push yourself but what is more important is that tiny line between pushing yourself to your goals and pushing yourself beyond your breaking point .
Don’t set unrealistic goals, please and please, just because somebody is saying  “set goals bigger than you”, “let your dreams scare small-minded people” yen yen yen, those people will not be there when you cannot meet those goals and you start to feel sorry for yourself, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong in aiming for the skies, but remember that there are levels to every dreams, you cannot be in pry 6 and hope to write and pass SSCE. The best way to be depressed and lose this 2019 is to set unrealistic goals, know yourself, know what you can do and then push yourself, push against laziness, procrastination , bad vibes and above all Depression, but do not push yourself to set goals that you cannot meet.
And very importantly, please be a better person in 2019, this one is not even negotiable, if you’re the friend everyone is trying to cut-off, if other people’s happiness makes you cringe and feel angry, if you’re the last person people come to for help, if you are always complaining about all your friends, please and please work on yourself. You don’t have to be a terrible person to work on yourself or be a better person, you can work on yourself by learning a new skill, helping N.G.O’s, Giving, making people laugh, going out of your way for a friend or somebody in need, just doing nice things, giving up bad habits and just being a good person generally.
Whatever you do 2019, remember to put your happiness first, if it doesn’t make you happy, if you’re not so sure, if it makes you cry in the closet, please hanty and hunku, find your way to the nearest fridge, drink cold water and walk away from it , walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes, negative energy and causes you pain, we are getting too old for managing or trying to stay in pain hoping that things will get better, things will only get better when you move, please Move! It’s not selfishness to put your happiness first against anything that costs you pain. 2019 we are laughing only genuine laughter and sharing positive vibes.
No dark energy this year, please guys! Let us not come back at the end of 2019 to share sad stories, let’s make this year a great one for us, family and for friends.
Have a wonderful week beautiful people.
You know I love you but Jesus Loves you more, don’t forget to drink water and stay healthy.
Post By: Remi


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