Dear Me,

How are you and how was your weekend. It's a beautiful Tuesday morning and I should be writing you a letter for relationship 101, but unfortunately, something came up. You would have to make do with this old letter. It's what I call my recipe for the new year. I hope you learn from it.

So 2018 was a good year, but 2019 can be better. How, you ask? Here's my recipe

1. Review:

Although there's the general believe that you should move on from the past, it's equally important to look behind.

What did you achieve last year? What were your small wins? Last year I started my own blog and by its third week, I'd gotten over 70 views. Small win, I know but that's something to celebrate. And the best part is, remembering those small wins helps you to want more. So go through your previous year. Don't dwell on the negatives though. Positive vibes only πŸ’ƒ.

2. Set Goals/Priorities

It's only when a boxer shadow fights that he hits a figurative target. In the ring, he strikes with intent, with purpose. You need to be like that this 2019.

Don't swing with the mind of "maybe I'll hit something". No. Define what you want to hit.

Some things we even aim for atimes are unnecessary in the long run. Aim for those things that are helpful now to your life/career/business. Just make sure your priorities are right.

3. Network

I can't say this enough. If you really critically look things over, you'd realize that networking is where the money - and if I may say, success - is. I wrote an article once about how sometimes achievements has to be with someone or because of someone.

So connect with people. Yes, connect on "social" media, but connect in reality too. Put the phone πŸ“± down sometime and really engage with people. I once heard of a dude who went to church, sat next to a public figure and when the Pastor said "Say...to your neighbor", he didn't even turn. I'm like πŸ™†‍♂🀦‍♂. But that's really how some of us miss opportunities. Don't dull this year. Be outgoing, be spontaneous. If you have to offend them a little, do so (sha be careful whom you offend).

4. Sweat

"All work and no play... " I'm sure you can complete it. But what about "All play and no work...". January is over o. "Ji... Masun" πŸ˜‚. Work. Make up your mind to get your hands dirty. Listen, hand outs have finished with the previous generation o. This generation is - literally speaking - a jungle. You gotta fight to earn your keep.

Don't sit on your hands this year o. Get those hands dirty, I repeat. Learn a trade, do all you can to secure the bag. Bag no go waka come meet you o. It's not magic afterall 🀷‍♂. Sweat! When the money comes, use it to clean the sweat. πŸ˜ƒ

5. Redeploy

This is probably the best advice I can offer you this year. A wise person (i don't know who) once said that it is only after you have climbed a hill or mountain that you realise there are higher ones.

In other words, don't rest on your oars. If you have achieved goal number hundred, there are more.

Actively try to do more, be more than your last achievement. Redeploy resources, energy, time, money, into something else. Don't stop grinding.

I hope these few items I listed gives you the push you need. I definitely want to do better than I did in 2018 so I'll Review, Set Goals, Network, Sweat and Redeploy.

But above all, remember to commit all you do to God. He knows what he has in store for you, and only him really can help. Have a great week fam. Let's "blow" this year. πŸ˜‚

And a Happy New Month is advance.


IG: @neightan_
Facebook: Nathan Omeiza Adinoyi
Email: neightanshaibu@gmail.com


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