DEB TALK: The God Forbid Syndrome- Cervical Cancer

The God Forbid Syndrome-
Cervical Cancer...

Happy Sunday Fam, welcome to our Sunday "Health Meme" episode 1. I might be a little bit partial/personal and straight with my statement today(this is specially to my ladies😊), so bear with me, the topic is really "touching" me, that's why😅.

So I had time to reflect on why some kind of things happen to good people and this scenario or analysis came to mind.

January has been all about Awareness for cervical cancer for an NGO i worked with and For a while now, I’ve been advocating for getting screened and vaccinated against the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer(a type of cancer of the cervix of the uterus); an exercise that would mitigate the risk of contracting the virus, hence, reducing the spread somewhat(you could read to know more about it)

At some point, a lot of people began to ask if I was carrier myself. We equally asked why I was so into the whole campaign. Even some others questioned my Christianity but I’m so grateful for all of these responses because I really understood what great men and women went through before revolutions came into being.

First, I want to ask. When you give birth, do you leave your child without vaccinating him or her against Yellow Fever, Poliomyelitis and the rest because, let me borrow your words, ‘God Forbid; it’s not my portion’?

Sister virgin, when you got married, did your husband screen for HPV because we both know that in Africa, only WOMEN are to be virgins; remember that the MEN are POLYGAMOUS in nature and should be left to do their thing, so, when you contract it somehow, just wish it away because remember, ‘GOD FORBID; IT’S NOT YOUR PORTION’!

I’m sure it has not occurred to you that the virus is much more detrimental to your health, young lady, so you’re not even grateful that the virus takes a really long time, years even before it becomes cancerous. You have overlooked that part; your focus now is on how the campaign makes people SCARED and should not be continued because FEAR IS NOT OF GOD.

But, the very many deaths from a 100% PREVENTABLE DISEASE IS GOD’S MODE OF OPERATION, right? Issorait; I’ve heard you.

The sad truth is that most of our ‘God forbid’ sessions are HYPOCRITICAL. You trust GOD to keep you safe from a vaccine-preventable disease but you trust the VACCINE to keep your children safe under a similar situation as this.

Because the vaccines seem expensive and you can’t afford it, therefore, anybody who raises awareness as to a possibility that the spread of this virus could be contained is now the enemy. You forget that sometime in the past, POLIO was wasting lives and when the cure was discovered, the Government made it compulsory that every child be vaccinated against it by bearing the cost of the vaccines.

So, instead of you to join forces to see to it that this becomes the case, you sit back home, in your sanctimonious apparel, judging the likes of us, who are working to make the lives of the average Nigerian better...

Have you ever wondered why Martin Luther King, a CHRISTIAN, would stake his life for POLITICS? For CHANGE? For RACIAL EQUALITY? That same POLITICS you call, ‘a dirty game’? It’s because Christianity is not just for receiving only but for giving of ourselves in order to ensure that lives get better in our time.

That all those lives that should have been cut short can live to hear the gospel. The devil’s strategy is the virus that causes the cancer but God has made us wise enough to come up with a cure and that we must.

So, don’t be a HYPOCRITE by expecting God to safeguard you from the very many viruses that flood the earth while you are not discerning enough to know that His protection came in a different package than you expected; in the form of the knowledge behind the vaccines that human hands made...

Please go get vaccinated as soon as possible (married or not married).
Guys do your part too, tell your sisters, mother, female friends to go get vaccinated today...😊
Prevention they say is better than Cure...

Visit a nearby hospital to get the vaccine or you could also check us via IG @smilewithmefoundation to get access to free vaccines if you are in Lagos or Abia, or contact me via my social media handles for more details..

A word they say is enough for the wise, I love you and I want you to get vaccinated. Together, let's #CheatOnCervicalCancer😁

Post by- Popoola Deborah
IG- @popoola_deborah
FB- Popoola Deborah
Twitter- @paddebby


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