Dear Me,

How have you been? It's been a long time since I wrote you a letter and you must have checked your nail box all of last week looking for a fresh one. I apologize brother. It was a hectic week and an even more hectic weekend, hence my failure to write you a later.

You know, I still wasn't sure up until this morning if I wanted writing you a letter or just saying a few words. But I told myself there's no reason I can't say a few words in a letter. I must tell you the words are flowing as I write, so bear with me if the thoughts seem a little incoherent, but you know I always have a point in the end. Can I preach a little? Starts with a little story.

Many years ago, well sometime B.C, a warrior was instructed by God - actually his whole nation was instructed - to take over a certain land. See, it wasn't this warrior's first rodeo. He knew what war was like. One time, he had fought so hard, he prayed his God to keep time on pause so he could destroy his enemies. And God answered. Sidebar-I still think it's the reason we have leap years, cos once upon a time, the whole earth saw daylight longer than usual.

Anyway, so this warrior is on the verge of war, he's cleared to go. God says the land is his, and all his countrymen's. But he needs to know what the land looks like first. See forty years before now, he had been on the brink of war with this same nation. His leader at the time, had sent himself and eleven others to spy on the land.

Himself and another, now a captain over more than a thousand men, told the people they could win. But not the other ten. No. They said, they couldn't, even though it had taken two of them to carry grapes as large as under water pebbles. They never fought that day. And here they were again.

So this warrior is having deja vu. He's been here before. He needs to spy one more time. But unlike before, he decides "I'm going to send just two men, and this time secretly". So he calls the two, and gives them instructions.  I'll pause the story here for a lesson.

When you're about to do something, you do not need everyone to tell you you can. You'd want to say, "that doesn't sound right. You need to know what you're getting into". Sure. But have you heard of third parties?

No one likes a third party. And that's interesting, cos you know, they always say, "Three is a crowd; two is company". When you're calling a third party, you're seeking validation, wanting to hear what you want to hear, mostly, that you can't do it. You only need two witnesses, to spies, two people by your side, who see what you see and spur you on. They say " The voice of majority is the voice of God". If that were true, God would have told Moses before the ten spies returned, that they couldn't conquer Jericho. But God said they were ABLE and only Captains Joshua and Caleb agreed. Two is all you need.

I hope you got this message, cos I'm still not done preaching. I'll continue next week.

Love, Nathan

Post by: Shaibu Nathaniel Omeiza
IG: @neightan_official
Facebook: Adinoyi Omeiza Nathan.


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