Hello beautiful readers of this blog, welcome to my tiny corner, I’m your new and soon to be favorite life coach!
Firstly, you should know a little about me before I start to invade your online space and attack you with my wahala, my name is Ree, I’m a graduate and I love to read.
So today we’re going to talk about Exes! , lol did somebody just say urggh and roll their eyes? Lmao okay
I don’t think anybody should have bad blood with their exes no matter how bad they ended mainly because of your own peace, personally I’m cool with everybody I’ve dated, we don’t necessarily talk everyday day  or every week but we have a cordial relationship because I realize how much it helps me to move on, awkward yea? I know right, there is actually no magical solution on how to get over an ex ( I wish there was).
Actually, moving on is up to you, it’s the hardest thing you may have to do but its for your own clarity, it’s okay to cry and miss them, it’s okay to cuss them out (not to their faces sha, maybe in your mind or something), forgive yourself, nothing can keep you from moving on to a better future than a lingering relationship wound , realize that it was probably for the better and some things have to end for better things to come
First thing you want to do is rant, vent, get rid of whatever you need to get rid of emotionally, cry if you want to, take as long as you want to cry!, I’ve realized that crying actually makes me feel  better, I’ll lock myself in the bathroom and cry, till I’m almost falling asleep lol and then I take a shower and sleep, I always feel so much better when I wake.
Secondly if you feel like cutting off contact, by all means please do, block if you want to, there’s no need to keep seeing them on your newsfeed or timeline to make you feel sad, there’s also no need to play the I’m happier without you game, your healing is all that matters about this point not what they think about you, cut if you need to
Don’t try to be friends if you don’t want to, intentional space can actually make you heal faster, let yourself mourn and start afresh
Lastly, stop the regrets, stop the “would haves”, “had I known” and blah blah stop looking at what would have been if you never met them.
Accept the finality of the breakup, stay active, be sad for as long as you want but don’t be sad for too long that you forget how to be happy!!
And finally, remember to improve yourself, I’m not talking about getting a revenge body (please also do that) or getting a better gf of bf or even getting more money or improving your lifestyle, you actually should do all that but don’t make that a priority that you forget to look back at all the things you didn’t do right and improve on them, its very super important that you improve and be a better person that you used to me.
P.S; from the very vain me, please it’s important that you get a very hot revenge body and pepper them.
Tell me how you got over your exes, I would love to know and are you still friends with all of them? Drop a comment!
Remember to share!, sharing is caring


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