Alkali Amana's Board

So my people, while the President's comment on Nigerian youths is getting the buzz around and all, I thought to bring you a reflective post today.


There is a famed but silent story in the African tradition and narrative that brings to the fore a lot valuable lessons and a simple question which life thrusts at us - you and I. To whom or to what do you leave the determination of your fate? Think it through as I tell the story:
Two men, to whom we will ascribe the traditional Igala names Ocholi and Akoji, went to a diviner to have a look at the future, in anticipation of what has been determined for them by the gods. Seated with eager expectations before the man who led their inquest into the future, news of their times to come was broken on the hard shells of their waiting ears. For Ocholi, it was told him by the diviner that the gods have set upon him a bleak future, lacklustre and wealth-ridden, where he might even beg in order to survive. On the contrary, Akoji had been bestowed with great wealth and a better future by the gods, and it was assured him, the wealth will meet him well.
And so it was that these two men left the diviner's, each with what had been revealed to him at heart. Ocholi went out and set his heart to work determined to show the futility of such dark prophecy as had been cast upon him which he believed he could dispel, while Akoji sat at home, doing little or no work and expecting great wealth as had been promised him by the gods. There was no need to work, he believed, not when wealth was his.
In the later years that followed, each man was clearly justified by the action he took upon the reception of the prophecy as given by the diviner. The reverse became the case for the two men. Ocholi became the wealthy one, commanding great wealth and bliss as against the words given him, while Akoji remained in a state of redundancy and poverty, still waiting for the great wealth to come.
Now I am tempted to ask the question: Did the gods lie? Or maybe the prophecy was an inversion, ironic? Or perhaps fate switched positions? Or maybe the attitude of each man was to determine his altitude? I think I will go with the third rhetoric, and I leave your choice at your discretion.
Back to us now my friends, and this story asks of us the question earlier stated, but in a more present form after reading this. To whom or to what will you leave the determination of your fate? Or if you will have it in its previous form, better put: To whom or to what have you left the determination of your fate? Is it the gods? Or to men? Or to fate itself? Who would you choose to be? Ocholi? Or Akoji? Will you carve out your path while learning and applying all what you can? Or will you leave your life waiting on the future to come with its goodies?
A lot of questions there, but needful. Life has no duplicate, and you can only will yourself to it for a greater determination in the times to come. An important note here is that we cannot rewind the sands of time. It is advisable we look not to the future in the vain pleasures it harbors and promises to bring, but we should rather look at it with the sheer determination of working out its elegance and poise to our advantage, while at the same time reaching its promises and fruits as a reward for our diligence. You are your diviner 👌.

And for the mention, you are not lazy my friends. You only ought to think yourself out of such situations that make you look so, or situations that make others say such about you.
A post from #A_Hardworking_Nigerian_youth👤.
Post By: Alkali Amana
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