HiFAD's Health..

      Healthy living
* if you have to live long you need a healthy lifestyle.

* cultivate healthy habits and do away with unhealthy         habits Now, while you have the chance.

* be intentional about your health and be conscious of your health habits.

* today and tomorrow has to be healthier than yesterday to guarantee healthy living.

  Healthy living in simple means, continuous efforts  by an individual, directed at being responsible for he's health, practicing good, and healthy habits everyday. it's a long time commitment and not just a quick switch of habits,  but a conscious change of an unhealthy lifestyle.
   it is so evident this days how many aged people, suffer health issues, totally caused by their unhealthy lifestyle at a younger age,therefore making a healthy old-age, very impossible to have. you have the chance now to make conscious changes , please grab it.
   as many health experts would say "healthy living starts now", don't start tomorrow, start now. the following are tips to healthy living;

1. know your health status
the first step to a healthy life is knowing your health status. you could examine your self physically and from your medical records, or go to experts for a full health check.

2. Check or assess your activity.
  How much physical activity do you get in a typical week? How intense is that activity? How much variety do you get in your activity, and how much do you enjoy it?

3. study your nutrition and feeding pattern.
   In order  to be sure of what is not right, you should know your feeding pattern, what you always eat and what you never eat that is needful, and begin plans to upgrade.

4. Start good treatment for health conditions.
If you know that you have chronic health problems, whether it's heart disease, diabetes, depression, arthritis, or other conditions, treatmentis an obvious priority for healthy living. The same goes for risky behaviors, such as smoking, and addictions of any kind. Addressing these issues typically isn't a do-it-yourself task. Partner with your doctor. Make the phone call today to schedule that appointment.

5. Upgrade your diet and nutrition.
having done a good assessment of your nutrition,  it is now best to consciously make efforts toward eating healthy and eating good diets. replace missing nutrients and begin to be responsible with what you eat. If need be, consult a nutritionist.

6. Manage stress Now!
 in stress management, one must study different ways to handle stress.
*Cut the excesses.
stop useless activities, that only take your strength.
*practice fun activities from time to time.  take out time,  go for games,  visit family,  go watch a movie, attend concerts and shows,  just give yourself a break sometimes.
*Consciously draw your schedule, it helps you to be on time and not to do  everything.

7. Sleep better
study your sleeping pattern and begin to make good plans to sleep better, if you don't sleep enough or you don't sleep well. to sleep well, you need to;
*set a regular sleeping schedule.
*avoid heavy exercise before bedtime.
*patronize good sleep.

8. Handle your social, emotional life.
you have to work towards being happy always, find things that make you happy, make good friends and have a good social life. Depression is a disease, if you have depression issues, it is adviced that you talk to someone about it or See an expert immediately.

9. Have  healthy relationships
this is not only about your sex life, and avoiding multiple sexual partners, but also making health a priority when handling a relationship.  know your partners health status and history, this is  very important.

10. Start exercising well
the usefulness of exercising to the body can not be overemphasized. to maintain healthy organs bones and  joints, you need good exercises.
11. Maintain a healthy weight.
It is important that you know your weight and your category and begin to walk towards maintaining your weight.
Peter Olamide; CEO HIFAD


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