When we were little, it was easy to become anything we wanted. If we were treated differently, we didn't ponder much about it. We were asked questions like "what do you want to be in future" and as we pronounced our answers, it was so easy to see ourselves in that profession. With our white coat or our flowing black gown. Most of us never saw anything wrong with the way we were brought up. We didn't know any different, and so we followed the rules, the don't and don't.
Those of us who dared to ask questions where given pressured answers. Mostly from the holy book and it felt right enough for us.
For a while now, I've start to think differently. to see clearly and make judgement based on experiences . I wanted a clean slate but it seemed impossible and it seemed there were enough lessons to learn from the past
I watched a TV show recently titled "Remy" and in this particular episode, a mother tells her daughter "I prayed ten rakkahs for Remy then five for you" and when her baffled daughter "Denna" asked "Why does Remy gets more rakkahs than me?". The mother answered "He needs it more than you"
I was angry. I know it's a TV show but it shows how society are bias towards gender. I'm a man and once upon a time I wouldn't have noticed or cared about such matters but I guess I'm changed. Whether it's a good thing or not, time would tell.
"Toxic masculinity"
According to Wikipedia, the concept of toxic masculinity is used in academic and media discussions of masculinity to refer to certain cultural norms that are associated with harm to society and to men themselves. Traditional stereotypes of men as socially dominant, along with related traits such as misogyny and homophobia, can be considered "toxic" due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. The socialization of boys in patriarchal societies often normalizes violence, such as in the saying "boys will be boys" with regard to bullying and aggression.
Last week, one of the trending topic was assault of several women by men. This is not something new but this is actually the first time it has gotten so much attention. We saw lots of people coming out and it was really a terrible thing to hear.
Many people spoke against it of course but how many of them actually don't treat the female like they are less. You have two children, a male and female and you treat them differently? What happens when the young male grows up and enter into the society. Every lady becomes less to him and then he feels he should have more control? You see a trail here?
Or you think it's only cases like rape that is bad? You don't think telling your daughter she is female and don't needs formal education is bad or beating your wife because apparently she is your property which you paid bride price for?
Well, you are wrong.
This is not a day job and we are not going to be alright in a day. But learn- we should llearn how to treat the female gender right. Not because they are fragile or anything, but because it's the right thing to do.
And please enough with the "rib" bullshit which some people are quick to point out in argument. When it comes to talk like that that's when you become religious.
Learn how to be better...
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Post by: Abubakar Abdul
Facebook: Habdul Archer
IG: @archer015
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