Sit tight.
Currently, the world is experiencing a pause situation as a result of the Corona pandemic almost everywhere and governments have issued lockdown orders in affected countries. Our country is one of such places where the lockdown is gradually exerting its weight on everyone as we hope for the best. Since most of us will be home and probably bored from inactivity, I thought to share some tips that could be useful -
1. There is a forecast of a deep recession when the world wakes up from this sleep caused by the corona virus and this presents an opportunity for an individual to come up with a good business plan to implement at the time. Look for what shall be heavily in demand at such time and invest in it. Have a start up that can fit into the dynamic that will be created. Build services that will be useful and needed.
2. You can use this time for deep reflection and personal development. You can assess your self and come up with a better version than you have been by reshaping your mentality and actions. Using social distancing, you can actively scan the people around you and look at the ones with an impact on your life.
3. You can use this period to learn what you don't know. A friend of mine recently used a YouTube video to make her first cake ever. Nothing stops you from learning what you want. YouTube and other internet channels have a wide range of stuff to pick from and learn.
I hope this helps. Stay safe and active.
Have a great week!
👤: Alkali Amana
FB | IG | Twitter: alkaliamana
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