We are building stories...
Who we are. What we are. Where we are. How we are. We are building now to answer the eternal question of posterity and its representations. For each letter we use, each word we say, each sentence we think of and even the plans we design. It is the little things we do that matter. In their entirety, where neglected, can cause a catastrophe.
I had a trip and I drew inspiration from its transpiration. From one end to the other, we are born to fulfill a destination, reach its end successfully and well. But, not always are we successful drivers as humans. We are building our stories. Men have built. Some crashed, others relented, some others revelled, all in their distinct but elaborate world. Paths have been carved, stories told and retold, but not ours, not yet, because we are building, probably just begun.
I heard a leader once. She said "I am here because 27 years from now I will not want to see another lady like me suffer because I refused to do anything now". That's her story.
I check myself everyday and I see that I have to leave the world a better place than I found it, to leave a legacy, that's my story.
What's your 'Story'?
Run your comments and thoughts Tellrheaders. Happy Saturday!
👤: Alkali Amana
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